A Joke, A Bad Joke Maybe? Blah Blah Blah Stop with Your PC Mentality & Get Over It

People are so PC today they are unable to get a joke, even it is a bad joke. It is impossible for the PC crowd to shrug off a bad joke. To the PC overly sensitive idiots: Get the heck over it!!  The people who are in a tizzy over this must be self-conscience or something.  Progressives are self-hating people so....  An old guy told an old joke.  So what. If the feminuts feel offended, oh well.  Take a hard look at yourself and think the next time before you sleep with some guy you barely know.  Nothing like opening yourself up to PTSDs STDs and other risks.  Nah, we're not screwed up with our priorities nowadays.....  Liberals are more worried about a bad joke than women having sex and their being the possibility that they will catch all those venereal diseases, AIDS, etc.  Get a grip folks.  If liberals had even a speck of self-control they wouldn't put themselves in bad positions.

This is the joke: “You know, back in my days, they’d use Bayer aspirin for contraceptives, The gals put it between their knees and it wasn’t that costly.” 

It may not have been funny but it sure wasn't something to get outraged over. Unless you've got an agenda. And progressives always do. 

The Other McCain says We Forgive You, Foster Friess  and points out that the joke that libs have dubbed "controversial" was probably first used by Phyllis Diller.  This took place way back when, when women, specifically progressive women, had a sense of humor or could at least not get overly sensitive after hearing a bad joke.  

Foster Friess ended up apologizing to the uptight, politically correct, feminuts and the rest of the dummicrats. 

Hack Wilson has a fantastic post In Defense of Santorum.  Fuzzy Slippers has a marvelous post debunking the hystrionics and kookball claims from the Left that Santorum will engage in 'social engineering", On "Social Engineering" : Stop With The Crazy About Rick Santorum, Please

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