Ron Paul's Deceitfulness

I am not a Ron Paul fan.  In fact this may surprise some conservatives but he is my least favorite of the last four presidential candidates in the GOP race.  He is the least trustworthy IMO.  He kept on changing his answers when it came to reporters questioning him on his letters.  And, yes, I do think that he lied through his teeth when he said he didn't know who wrote the racist parts of his letter.  Even if I give him the benefit of the doubt and he doesn't know who wrote the racist parts of his newsletters that goes beyond incompetence, to negligence IMO.  I do not want a president with that type of "hands off" approach. You wouldn’t trust a medical procedure to someone who took the easy route and got medical training from an online college, so why would you trust someone to run the country who either lies or is negligent? The extent to which someone involves and invests themselves, speaks volumes to how serious they are about the ultimate quality of their work.

 Like last night in the debate he said the problem with politics in Washington is that it does take a team effort.  He is an idealist who is unwilling to compromise and be a team player with fellow Republicans but when it comes to pushing his isolationist foreign policy agenda he is more than willing to work with Democrats.  Ron Paul is willing to be a part of the team when it comes to working with Democrats to promote his nightmare of an isolationist foreign policy agenda.  Paul thinks that a madman who has threatened to blow Israel off the face of the map has a "right" to have possession of a nuclear weapon.  That is just crazy talk. He is just another political opportunist who uses people for his own cause. I don't like his snobbish attitude in how he thinks that he is better than other politicians just because he talks about liberty, the constitution, and freedom.  Just because he gives speeches and interviews promoting liberty? Seriously?  He has a flawed view of both our federal government and the tenth amendment.  It seems to me that Ron Paul thinks that the Federal government has no role in the United States.  The tenth amendment does give states the right to develop different systems of education and different health care services but it does NOT give the states the right to do harm.  Some states do not have the right to legalize abortion while others ban abortion.  The Constitution says that every person has an unalienable right to life and his tenth amendment views violate the Constitution, the very Constitution he pretends to uphold.

Ron Paul's recent television ad is deceitful in its implications which suggest that Rick Santorum supports Planned Parenthood.  This couldn't be further from the truth.  Paul equates voting for a budget that has Title X funding in it with supporting Planned Parenthood.  That is fallacious.  Rick Santorum not only talks the pro-life talk but also walks the walk so when people falsely accuse him of otherwise or distort his record for political opportunism it irks me to no end.  Under the law it is a requirement for budgets to be passed. This happened under Bush.  Unfortunately we haven't seen a budget passed since April 29, 2009, not long after the Democrats took control of the House, Senate, and White House. Plus, the Democratically controlled Senate has blocked all efforts to pass a budget since the Republicans took control of the House.

In an article on Steven Ertelt makes it clear that Rick Santorum is a stalwart defender of the unborn and does not support Planned Parenthood.

From Life News:

On Monday, on the Sean Hannity program on Fox News, Santorum himself responded to the charge.
“Look, I’m not a big fan of Title X, that is Planned Parenthood. No, I want to defund Planned Parenthood,” he told Hannity.
Santorum also said in December that he strongly supports the most recent efforts in Congress to eliminate taxpayer funding for Planned Parenthood.
“[The abortion] is an inhumanity that should not occur in this country,” Santorum said, according to the Daily Iowan. “[Tax dollars] should not be used for things that are morally objectionable.”
“I can’t imagine any other organization with its roots as poisonous as the roots of Planned Parenthood getting federal funding of any kind,” Santorum said. “This is an organization that was founded on the eugenics movement, founded on racism — I mean, it’s horrific. It’s origins are horrific. And you can say, ‘well it’s not that anymore.’ It’s not far from where it was in my opinion.”
In fact, the record shows Santorum has a long line of votes to deny taxpayer funding for abortion and Planned Parenthood and frequently compiled 100% pro-life voting records from the National Right to Life Committee.

Life News has posted at least some of Santorum's pro-life votes while he served in the senate.

* July 2003 – Voted to support the Mexico City Policy de-funding Planned Parenthood.
* May 2003 – Voted against allowing abortions at tax-funded military base hospitals.
* June 2000 – Voted against allowing abortions at tax-funded military base hospitals.
* May 1999 – Voted against allowing abortions at tax-funded military base hospitals.
* June 1998 – Voted against allowing abortions at tax-funded military base hospitals.
* July 1997 – Voted against taxpayer funding of abortions in federal employee health insurance plans.
* July 1997 – Voted against allowing abortions at tax-funded military base hospitals.
* June 1997 – Voted against taxpayer funding of abortions in the S-CHIP program
* February 1997 – Voted against taxpayer fund of the pro-abortion UNFPA

On the other hand, is Ron Paul truly pro-life?  This is part of what is in his prolife profile
Ron Paul wants to be pro-life but is officially pro-choice state by state, and so contradicts himself and wrongly assumes that states' rights supersede human rights, concluding that a state like California has the right to permit abortion. But the right to life is God-given so there can be no 'right' to decriminalize child killing.  
There is more information here

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